2023 November


I hope you all had a wonderful fall break and were able to enjoy some downtime with family and friends before wrapping up the fall semester.  

The Colorado Online project keeps moving along!  This spring, the number of courses offered through our consortium grows from 125 this fall to nearly 400!  At our info session on Wednesday we reviewed resources that are available to help colleges prepare to teach pooled course sections this spring, as well as process improvements.  The PowerPoint from that session includes links to resources, dates for trainings and orientations, and other highlights related to:

  • Course section distribution
  • Enrollment reports
  • Course materials and teaching resources
  • Instructor orientations, including how to handle spring break in pooled sections
  • Professional development opportunities

Over the next few weeks we will be gathering feedback from students, faculty/instructors, and staff through surveys and focus groups.  We will also hold a Faculty Summit on December 8 for college representatives to the State Faculty Advisory Council, the State Instructor Advisory Council, and the Online Faculty and Instructor Advisory Committee to talk through issues gathered by faculty and instructors throughout the semester. Together we’ll look at the project from multiple perspectives and strategize next steps in making this consortium a success for all of us, and most importantly, our students. 

We will hold one more information session this semester on December 13, and will continue them throughout the spring.  If you have any questions about Colorado Online, don’t hesitate to contact me or Tammy Vercauteren, Project Director of Online Strategic Planning, or your College Implementation Leads.  See the attached contact information spreadsheet to find your college representatives, and notify Chin Ya Russell, Project Coordinator, if you have any updates.


Categories: Monthly Update

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