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I am currently at the top tier for compensation at CCCOnline. Will I have to start over at the lowest tier when I begin teaching at another college in the CCCS system?

No. If you’re coming from within the system–including CCCOnline–there is a policy that the hiring college must honor the highest tier the instructor has earned. This is not a requirement for hiring instructors coming from outside the system.  

NOTE: The system does not have a standard tier system at all 13 colleges. Not every college in the CCCS has three tiers. Some colleges have four, some colleges have one. Nonetheless, the policy is still to honor the highest tier that was earned. For example, if you were in a school that had three tiers and you’re at tier three, or you’re at CCCOnline and you go to Red Rocks and Red Rocks has three tiers, then Red Rocks would need to bring you in at tier three.