As a part of the transition to the consortial model for Colorado Online @, a student survey was distributed early in the spring of 2021 which identified a student desire for a consistency in syllabus formatting and presentation. As a result of this identified student need, the Learning Design Subcommittee has been asked to research the benefits of implementing a consistent syllabus management tool. The adoption of a consistent syllabus management tool for all courses and all modalities would provide a more consistent user experience for students while also increasing workflow efficiency for instructors/faculty, and administrators.
Research and feedback have been an integral part of the development process leading to this recommendation. Our deliverable working team, comprised of faculty, instructors, learning designers, and administrators, began in the Summer of 2021 by reviewing existing syllabi templates from all 13 institutions within CCCS to identify common features and functionality. Next, the team identified syllabus management tool vendors and scheduled synchronous virtual demonstrations/Q&A to assess each tools functionality and features. The team then socialized the idea gaining overwhelming support from constituent groups including the Online Faculty & Instructor Advisory Committee, the Learning Technology Council, and a learning-design drop-in session at the Colorado Online @ Mini-Conference.
Deliverable 4 Work Team Members:
- Dolly Rosenbrook: Deliverable 1 Team Lead; FRCC, Online Chair & Lead Faculty
- Catherin Zoerb: CCA, D2L Administrator
- Laylonda Maines: Various Colleges, Instructor; FRCC, Learning Design
- Lee Christopher: ACC, eLearning Director
- Kathy Sindt: CCCS, Senior Learning Designer
- Nancy Denton: PCC, Instructional Designer (Member SP21 – FA21)
- Jocelyn King: TSC, Faculty/Program Coordinator (Member SP21 – FA21)
- Emily Perry: CCCOnline, Disability Support (Member SP21 – FA21)
Learning Design Sub-Committee Members:
- Stephanie Wickman: Co-Chair, FRCC, Director, Learning Design and Technology
- Tina Parscal: Co-Chair, CCCS, Associate Vice Chancellor for CCCOnline and Academic Affairs
- Amanda Hardman: CCCS, Learning Designer
- Dolly Rosenbrook: FRCC, Faculty
- Grace Whiteaker: CCCS, Learning Designer
- Janiece Kneppe: RRCC, Faculty
- Julie Kotalik: TSC, Faculty
- Kelly O’Dell: CCA, Faculty
- Laylonda Maines: Various Colleges, Instructor; FRCC, Learning Design
- Veronica Koehn: NJC, Director of Academic Excellence
- Peter Lindstrom: CCD, Math, ENG/1st Generation Dean
- Robin Schofield: PPCC, Associate Professor, Director
Deliverable 4 — Common Syllabus Management Tool (all courses, all modalities)
The Colorado Online @ Learning Design subcommittee recommends the implementation of a common syllabus management tool for all courses, all modalities.
- Class Planning, Searchable Repository—Students can access role-released information early—student survey indicates a strong desire to access course syllabus prior to term start date
- Multi-Channel–Automatic, simultaneous generation of web, mobile and print versions
- Easy Designation of Account User Types (Chair, Lead, Faculty/Instructor, Administrator)
- Streamlined Faculty/Instructor Edits within D2L with ability to push out real-time updates
- Centralized Syllabi Support
- Customizable Syllabi to allow for institutional variation and branding—supports embedding video and imagery
- Centralized Repository of Collection for Accreditation, Data Reporting, and support of transfer students
- D2L & Banner Integration
- Reduced labor & manual tracking from Faculty/Instructors, Admins, & IT
- Embedded Textbook & OER—automatic creation of class materials list
- Built in Accessibility Features—ensures standard compliance
Factors to Consider
- Customer Service ability to accommodate a large customer pool
- Training Support
- Nesting / Archival / Versioning
- Ability to push live updates at system and college level
- Direct Integration within D2L for streamlined editing
- Banner Integration to allow student viewing of syllabi at registration
- Permission levels to control various levels of viewing/role release of syllabus information sections (Students can access role-released information early)
- Will need to determine when syllabi are made available to students and what syllabus components would be available when
- This will be a change to current syllabus procedures for all colleges and users
Potential Impact/Effect on Other Decisions
- Phased-in approach to banner integration–semester/academic year
- Impacts to common D2L framework structure (e.g. where will the syllabus be accessed within the course)
Required Resources
- The Colorado Online @ Learning Design Subcommittee has evaluated several options for syllabus hosting tools. Pricing estimates for three options:
- Course Leaf: $42,000 annual license + $15,000 Implementation cost =$57,000 FY23
- Concourse: $40,000 annual license + $12,000 implementation cost= $52,000 FY23
- Simple Syllabus: $97,570 annual license (year one) + no quote for implementation = $97,570 FY23
- Staff support at CCCS and college levels
Next Steps
- Confirm funding request
- Establish RFP and Implementation Team
- Establish timeline based on a FA23 start, with possibly a soft roll-out of selected courses for SU23
- Needs assessment with stakeholder groups to assist with the development of the RFP, such as SFCC (State Faculty Curriculum Council), SFAC (State Faculty Advisory Council) VPAA (Vice Presidents Academic Affairs), VPSA (Vice Presidents Student Affairs), Deans Council, CCCS IT Governance, and CCCS Legal Affairs.
- Conduct RFP
- Establish change management procedures
- System level
- Phase-in approach to banner integration
- College level
- Institutional Customization such as adding banner graphics, logo, institutional verbiage, departmental verbiage
- Department level
- Instructor, Lead, Chair edits to prepare syllabus for publishing
- Establish communication plan
- Establish training and support plan
- Make professional video demonstrations of various tools available for faculty review
- Incorporate tool and links to customer support/training videos into D2L