2022 July


I hope you are enjoying the beautiful summer months.  Following are highlights of progress on the Colorado Online @ project so far this summer.

First, we are pleased to have received funding from the Board that will allow us to move forward with several initiatives designed to increase equity and better support the success of all students in the online environment:  

  • Students and instructors at all colleges will gain access to Zoom for synchronous online meetings, and Yuja for more efficient storage, streaming, and captioning of online content
  • A centralized ticketing system will be procured to help coordinate academic technology support between college and system staff, extending the level of service available to all instructors and students, especially during evening and weekend hours
  • A syllabus management tool will be procured to simplify updates to syllabi and make them more easily accessible online
  • Systemwide licensing and support for online library materials, research guides, and website tools will extend access to all students, at a lower overall cost than would be possible through individual college licensing

In addition, planning efforts continue to move forward, including:   

  • Completion of the Design/Build process and communication to key stakeholders (July)
    • Registration, scheduling, and course allocation process finalized
    • Preliminary financial model finalized
    • IT Project Request finalized
  • Completion of a semester-by-semester timeline for when instruction by discipline moves from CCCOnline to the colleges (August)
  • Adding additional HR support to focus exclusively on CCCOnline instruction (instructors, etc.) moving to the colleges (August)
  • Determination of standardized start dates, registration dates, census dates, parts of term of online courses, etc. (August).

The Colorado Online @ Steering Committee will meet in early July and we will bring the above items to the August President’s Council meeting.  We will continue to send monthly updates over the summer and post changes to the Colorado Online @ Blog.  As always, feel free to contact me or Tammy Vercauteren, Project Director of the Colorado Online @ Strategic Plan, if you have any questions or concerns about the project.



Categories: Monthly Update

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