May 2024

Dear Colleagues,

The beginning of May is both inspiring and exhausting.  There is the final push to finish up classes, turn in grades, and wrap up the academic year.  At the same time, we take the time to celebrate our students with awards ceremonies and graduations.  For all of you teaching and supporting online students, know that even though you may not “see” your students in the traditional sense, you make a huge difference in their lives.  You provide the flexible schedules and support services that make it possible for many students to complete their degrees and certificates – whether fully online, or through a combination of online and campus-based courses. Even more importantly, you provide the personal connection and sense of community that is the hallmark of community colleges.

  • Together, we’ve served 47,488 students through Colorado Online since we offered our first pilot courses in Spring 2023.
  • More than 400 courses have already transitioned to the Colorado Online Consortium.  By fall 2024, all online courses will be offered through Colorado Online.
  • This month, we wrapped up spring working groups, bringing together Colorado Online team members and faculty and instructors identified through the State Faculty Advisory Committee (SFAC), the State Instructor Advisory Committee (SIAC), the Online Faculty and Instructor Advisory Committee (OFIAC), and the state discipline chairs to discuss pain points and possible solutions. Summaries of conversations related to course development, course materials, section distribution, and section size are available online, and I will provide a quick overview at 8:00 a.m. tomorrow in this week’s Colorado Online Info Session.
  • The Online Faculty and Instructor Advisory Committee (OFIAC) has updated their charter, adding faculty and instructor co-chairs and strengthening communication and support networks across colleges. This group is critical to our success and will adapt their charter for ongoing operations in the coming year.   
  • At the suggestion of faculty, Colorado Online will host a virtual summit of OFIAC, State Discipline Chairs, and college department chairs with online courses (or who plan to develop online course), and others on July 9 to discuss our priorities as a consortium and identify practical steps to address discipline-specific needs. Participation is optional, but will be paid so that we can get a head start on communication and planning for the coming year. Information will be shared online for those unable to attend.
  • Instructor kickoff meetings for summer will continue to be offered online over the next few weeks.  For more information on these and other resources available to support you and your students, check out the recording and/or the PowerPoint from our April 24 info session.

Thank you for all that you do to support our students and our communities every day.  Please take some time this summer to refresh and recharge.  Don’t hesitate to contact me or Diane Duffy, Executive Sponsor, with any questions or concerns related to Colorado Online.

Categories: Monthly Update

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