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If a student’s home school offers the course online – will students have the choice to take a course at another institution or only if the course is not offered at the home institution?

If the student’s home college has had enough historic enrollment in a course (25 or more students), then students will have a choice to enroll in a Home College section or a Pooled section. The Home College sections will appear at the top of the list when students register. 

If the student’s home college has not had enough historic enrollment in a course, then students will only be able to register for a Pooled section. In some cases, a student’s home college will be responsible for a Teaching section created from the pooled registration. If that happens, students will be put in the Teaching section taught by their home college. 

If the student’s home college does not have the course in its catalog, then students will have no opportunity to register for that course through that home college.