2023 January

Dear Colleagues,

I hope your semester is off to a great start!  We are excited to have more than 1300 students enrolled so far in the 7 pilot courses being offered through Colorado Online @ for the first time this spring.  Each of these students is enrolled in a section taught through one of our system colleges, while still benefitting from the support of a 24×7 help desk and student support staff led by John Schmahl at CCCOnline in collaboration with the colleges.  New programming solutions developed by Frank Vasquez and the Academic Technology team now allow us to match students enrolled in pooled sections with teaching sections taught by home college instructors (when available).  This allows us to run more full sections while maximizing opportunities for students to connect with other students and instructors in their program.

As most of you are already aware, our big push over the next two weeks is to finalize the required course materials that need to be listed for pooled sections of courses that will be offered through Colorado Online @ for the first time in SU23 and FA23.  Thank you to our many experienced online faculty for taking the time to nominate materials that you have found to be especially effective in online classes over the years.  We will send out a call to nominate materials for Spring 2024 classes as soon as we finalize selections for Summer and Fall 2023.

As we have seen already, the success of Colorado Online @ relies on our collective experience teaching courses and supporting students in the online environment, as well as investments already made in course shells and other support resources at CCCOnline and through individual colleges. We will reconvene subcommittees in February to check on progress as we continue to refine business processes needed to run the new model at scale in academic affairs, student support services, learning design, learning resources, and learning technology.

We are in the process of switching over to a new Inside Colorado Online @ web site that will feature our brand-new logo.  In the meantime, recordings of information sessions can still be found on the Colorado Online @ Blog.

Do not hesitate to contact me or Tammy Vercauteren, Project Director of Online Strategic Planning if you have any questions about the project.



Categories: Monthly Update

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