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Do I understand correctly that College X may have 3 online sections of MAT 1340 that are “local” and maybe 1-2 sections pooled? In that case, our choice is either to teach with two different sets of materials or move “our” online classes to the common materials. Also who will adopt textbooks?

If colleges use a different textbook than the pooled courses for their home college courses, they would need to teach from two texts or standardize on the texts selected by state discipline faculty for the pooled sections. Sections could be assigned to minimize the number of instructors needing to teach different sections with different materials (e.g. one instructor might teach the two pooled sections, another two instructors might share the three home college sections. For pooled sections, state discipline faculty agree together on which course materials will be adopted, and orders will be coordinated centrally with the college bookstores. For home college sections, college textbook adoption policies apply.