September was a very busy month for everyone and we appreciate the ongoing support we have received from administrators, faculty, instructors, and staff from across the system to quickly add more Colorado Online sections for the 10-week and 7-week parts of term.
Our priority for the Colorado Online Consortium this year is on moving instruction of all fully online courses to our accredited colleges by Fall 2024, ensuring that students retain access to the online courses and support services they need to complete their programs. We recognize this has been a heavy lift, and while we cannot change the timeline, we are working to continuously improve our processes. Here is a quick summary of some of the changes underway:
- Distributing more sections in advance (enough to serve 130% of historic enrollment instead of 110%)
- Adjusting our section distribution and scheduling processes to account for discipline specific needs identified at the 2:2.
- Prioritizing the order of section assignments in advance so colleges can monitor enrollments and predict likelihood of individual sections running
- Collecting examples of course syllabi, learning objects, full course shells that align with the required course materials selected by the state discipline faculty and developing course blueprints for courses that do not already have a teaching resource. (Learn more at info sessions offered this Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday)
- Simplifying and distributing information gathering processes using online forms and workflows
- Strengthening college implementation teams and communication networks, including the Online Faculty and Instructor Advisory Committee, which includes faculty and instructor representatives from each college.
We needed to cancel the September information sessions due to a combination of illness and scheduling conflicts, but will resume them this month with the following topics:
- Recap of Last Minute Scheduling for Fall/Changes for Spring (8:00 am, Wednesday, October 11)
- Overview of Dashboards and Reports available for Monitoring Sections (8:00 am, Wednesday, October 25).
If you have any questions about Colorado Online, don’t hesitate to contact me or Tammy Vercauteren, Project Director of Online Strategic Planning.